Ladies Auxiliary & Philoptohos

The history of the Ladies Auxiliary was established at a meeting in January 1958 before our church was being built.

A sum of 2,756 Australian Pounds was raised by the original committee which was a huge sum in 1958 and given to the church building fund. The aim of the group was to foster fellowship within our parish by holding functions throughout the year enabling them to continue their good work.

The first President was Mrs. Marie Carr whose untiring effort and enthusiasm in organising various fund raising functions set the pattern which was carried by subsequent Presidents. The first Secretary was Laura Varvaressos and Treasurer, Irene Andronicos.

Their first party was on 1st March, 1958 at the home of Dr. Dimitri Varvaressos who was the first president of the Parish Committee.

The Ladies Auxiliary work tirelessly to raise funds for our beloved Saint George Church and related charities.

Annual Membership is $55.
Please make payments to:
Ladies Auxiliary Greek Orthodox Church
BSB: 062 156
Account: 2801-1555
Please include your SURNAME and initial (e.g. SURNAME J)

New members welcome!

SGRB Ladies Philoptohos Membership Form

Executive Committee
Chair Father Gerasimos Koutsouras 0404 967 091
Vice Chair Penny Kyros-Maragiannis 0404 000 818
Secretary Joanne Bourtsouklis 0417 027 470
Treasurer Jasmine Ambele 0408 429 042
Assistant Treasurer Helen Hetrelezis 0419 945 044
Committee Members
Patricia Aroney Christine Penkils
Marie Bekiaris Maria Poulos
Stella Boyages Rose Skiladellis
Georgia Cocokios Dora Sklavos
Effie Confos


Meetings are held in the church hall on the first Thursday of every month commencing at 7:00pm.

If you are interested in joining the committee, please contact Father Gerasimos on 0404 967 091.

Below is a poem written for the Ladies Auxiliary, by Sam Dimos,  the uncle of Mrs Sophia Harris.

Είσται κυρίαις σεβασταίς
μέσα στο σπίτι του Θεού βαλμέναις
και δύνεται ψυχαγώγιση σε πολλούς
είσται από τον Θεό ευλογημέναις.

Κουράζεσται με σώμα και σκέψοις
να προσφέρεται αυτά που εδίδαξε ο Χριστός
χωρίς ανταμιβεί στο έργο που έχεται διαλέξει
και έτσι σπίτι σας έγινε του αγιώγη ο ναός.

Είσται κυρίαις υπέροχαις
γεμάταις χαρά και καλοσύνη
διαφτό όσοι σας γνωρίζουνε
σας χρεοστούν ευνομοσύνη.

Και όλοι εμοίς σου ευχόμεθα
μέσα από την καρδιά μας
καλά να είσθαι πάντοτες
και πάντα να μένεται κοντά μας.